About Me

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My name is Simone, my sister calls me Pony. This is my blog about life. I have just purchased my first home and I plan on documenting the progress we make decorating and tweaking our nest while still keeping busy with the things I love.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The other seasons

Although lately hasn't been great for cycling (apart from the odd trip to the supermarket), we are getting into winter which is ski season.
I'm not a sporting person, my overall coordination is bad, when I played netball I was good at getting goals but my team mates had to bounce the ball to me as catching wasn't my forte.
Sailing, Skiing and Cycling are my favs!

When the weather warms back up, sailing occupies much of my time!
A lovely sunny day at Mt Hotham.

Perched in my favorite spot, despite the casual appearance and lack of shoes we were actually racing.
Normally hanging on, head to toe in wet weather gear with water dripping off my nose.

I look forward to the summer warmth!