About Me

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My name is Simone, my sister calls me Pony. This is my blog about life. I have just purchased my first home and I plan on documenting the progress we make decorating and tweaking our nest while still keeping busy with the things I love.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Im back with a fresh goggle tan...

Stay tuned for some photos of the lovely Mt Perisher!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I enjoy this...

found here
I'm pretty sure I convinced A that our towels are 'sangria' coloured and not pink...so that makes them ok!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I need this!

While trawling through my list of fave blogs I found this coach via The fabric of my life!

via Heima
It spoke to me and told me it wants to live my my little house...I promise it did!
I have no room for it, but would recycle something out to fit this in!

I am tempted to email for a shipping quote...


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Supermarket Art

I went to the supermarket and found this is the aisle!

Im not sure is it supposed to be art or maybe someone had a tiff with their oven bake wedges?

hmmm  xoxo

This Weekend I...

I had a lovely weekend, much more restful than the last one!

Caught up with my friend N in Melbourne.

We ate macarons from La Belle Miette in hardware lane. A-MAZING! 

clockwise from top left caramel, raspberry, pistachio, chocolate, rose and blueberry.

Sunday I went for a massive solo ride.

met a Scotsman along the way..

Had a little rest

and a snack...

Pink Lady apples of course...

My new thermos from Ikea kept my tea super hot!

I raced this lady and won! 

The carousal had sweet music playing that reminded me of Disneyland 

Worked of yesterdays macarons up that hill...

Checked out the locals

I needed a little rest at the top.

After my ride I went to the flower farm to get some new lovelies 

then chilled out with some magazines.
I hope you had an eventful weekend!

Monday, July 11, 2011

mmm sunshine!

I prefer warmer weather, i'm sure that is obvious. This winter has been particularly cold and long. I found these photos on my phone and they made my feet fell warm!

Big Weekend

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I was tres busy....
Sailing trivia at the yacht club...yep pretty boring.

I entertained myself with wine and giggles

Shopping for bridesmaid outfits for my sisters wedding in December. two dresses, accessories and shoes in 2 hours, that has to be a record! 

Tea and a big sandwich after that shopping effort. Best chicken, celery and walnut sandwich and in a heart shape too!

Got my nails done at the OP1 nail bar at DJs. It matches my new Chanel lipstick too.

Breakfast of champions. 

On Sunday arvo we managed to clean the house and all my flowers from my lovely friend B were out! Soo pretty! 
 All this plus drinks in Barwon Heads with friends and a night of dancing make for one big weekend!

I think I will have an early night tonight after and epic day of paperwork!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more!

I did go outside this morning after a wild night of wind to check if there were a sweet pair of red shoes under our house.
via Ruby Juice with Pearl Soup
 What happened was just this...
The wind began to switch 

The house, to pitch 
And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch 
Just then the Witch 
To satisfy an itch
Went flying on her broomstick, thumbing for a hitch!

And, oh, what happened then was rich!
The house began to pitch 

The kitchen took a slich 
It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch 
Which was not a happy situation for the Wicked Witch! 

I don't have a pair of nice red flats, although I am now in the mood to crack some out! 

I'm off to Melbourne for some bridesmaid dress shopping for my sisters wedding, how fun.

Happy Sunday xoxo

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pimp my iPad

When I got my iPad I couldn't find any cool cases, so I settled for a plain black one, yawn!

I have found some sweet cases which can all be found here.

Marc Jacobs $47.71

Rebecca Minkoff $163.99

Burberry $313.08

Lodis $68.38

Now I can't decide which one I like better, Although I don't think the burberry is quite in my budget!

New Boot Love

Probably one of the most expensive shoes I have purchased in a while!
I have my new ski boots, shaped to my feet and ready to go.

Very exciting!

via snowworkers

Dreaming of a faraway land...

I'm in a winter hole.
I love the snow but I don't live in the snow, its just cold and wet.
I'm struggling to get out of bed and go to work agghh!

I dream of travelling to faraway land. I do live in Australia, everything is far away but an even further-away place is what I need.

via world map photos

Where is your favorite place to go?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hello out there!

It has been a while, I have been a sick bear curled up on the couch with a big box of tissues!
It hasn't been the worst week to be sick, we have had crazy weather with strong wind warnings, rain and frosty mornings!

I have watched countless hours of trashy tv including hilarious infomercials including my favorite of the week Dr. Sigal's cookie diet!
via http://www.cookiediet.com/
This is a diet I could handle! My work buddy K better watch out as I may be tempted to buy two for one steam mops or health grills.

Evidently I have gone batty, I don't do well sitting still for too long and am a bit keen for the gym but don't want to push myself yet! 

I have watched a few movies including Red riding hood, Blue Valentine and one of my favs The devil wears Prada. 
This is a fair effort for me as I mentioned before, sitting still is an issue, I don't due well with long movies.  I am keen to catch up on some true blood and gossip girl too! 

Meanwhile with all this bad weather there is plenty of snow in the mountains, I am getting excited for my ski trip! 
I pick up my pimp new boots tomorrow and have been frequently checking the snow cams

via Perisher

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Do you zumba?

I did zumba at the gym tonight! My whole body is a little sore, although I did thoroughly enjoy it.
I am the most uncoordinated person alive, there was a lady in her 60's rocking a valour tracksuit who put me and my arse wiggling to shame tonight!

Zumba outfits all  by Lorna Jane.

I think I might make zumba part of my regular gym sessions, hopefully I can get some more coordination!
What is your favorite workout?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pink Parade

I would like to collect a group of people and create a pink bicycle parade. It might look like this...


I would wear this..
How many of you out there are pink cycle ladies or men? What colour is your sweet ride (or ride of your dreams?)

Happy dreaming Monday xoxox

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Did you have a lovely weekend?

I hope you all had a good weekend!
I was v busy and am almost ready for bed.

Friday night mum and dad came over and we coked a roast chicken from scratch and watched the footy...I forgot to take photos.

Saturday morning was beautiful. I got up early and went to the gym (to make up for the weekend ahead). A and I did a big op shop run and dropped off our old table and chairs, and heaps of old clothes!
Then a bit of ski boot shopping for A, I couldn't resist trying on a sweet pair as well.

Saturday night we had friends over. The girls and I decided that pimms cocktails and mojitos would be the drinks of choice. It was a big night of dancing, my legs are still sore!

I danced soo much that I didn't wake up with a headache!

Sunday morning dad, A and I headed off to Inverleigh a little town about  30 minutes away to watch my cousin play in the local under 12s footy! It was an enjoyable game but sooo freezing. Inverleigh is a cute little town.

Oh yeah, rocking out the classic rock FM with Dad! 
I had a lady afternoon watching documentaries on Berlin, then A and I went out for delicious Thai with my sister and her fiance!

A big but eventful weekend! I think i'm ready for a big shower and bed now!
