About Me

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My name is Simone, my sister calls me Pony. This is my blog about life. I have just purchased my first home and I plan on documenting the progress we make decorating and tweaking our nest while still keeping busy with the things I love.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy Sunday Breakfast

Sunday was cold, but the sun was beautiful. We only managed a small ride down to the shops to get some much needed breaky supplies!

We used to do Sunday breaky all the time, but life catches up and we haven't in ages. I forgot how much I loved it!

I made a fruit salad, as it is winter i just had banana, apple pear and strawberries with some passion fruit and fresh mint from the garden. 
Some delicious avocado on toast with pepper and some natural yogurt! YUUUUMMMM! 

Proof the the sun was actually shining in out courtyard! 

A made bacon and eggs all by himself, with no supervision! This is a big deal! Also with avocado, we are big fans! It replaces butter and is added to most things!
The best!
I hope you had a great weekend too!